LPG Conversion In Dandenong
Are you tired of spending more money on your car fuel and would you like to try something very efficient at a lower price?
Then this is the right time to switch on with LPG conversion in Dandenong at ACES Automotive. Converting fuel into Auto gas is not going to ruin your vehicle’s efficiency or internal mechanical strength. Instead, LPG conversion in Dandenong is going to save your money effectively. Do you think it is going to save the only money? The answer is “No”.
It is going to keep your environment pollution free and non-hazardous since it produces a lower amount of carbon-di-oxide which is better than other varieties of car fuel.
Though LPG gas is 50% lesser than the road fuel, and most of the people don’t know about its wellness.
That’s why the Australian government insist the people go for a rebate and spread awareness amongst the people.
It is helpful when you have dual fuel and taking a long ride where you must suffer for a petrol station, LPG or auto gas will help you to switch over in such problematic circumstances. In that way, we are the experts in LPG Conversion to help you with high-quality service for your vehicle by testing your Car’s Petrol engine condition. LPG conversions are much better on the longevity of your car in Dandenong, and the cost would depend on your car’s engine condition and its type.
So, what are you waiting for? Convert your road fuel into auto gas to experience the better quality of your vehicle’s engine. And feel it is pollution free, productive, non-toxic, and environment-friendly and that at a lower cost. It’s time to change your perspective towards the better environment.
- LPG Conversion and Repairs
- Running Issues of all Gas Systems
- Converter Replacements and Repairs
- Scan Tool and Laptop Tuning
- Engine Light Issues
- Gas Services
- Leak Tests
- 10 Year Tank Testing
- RE Certifications on LPG Systems
- LPG Road Worthy Checks

Our Services
Call us today to get a friendly, trustworthy, reliable mechanical repair services in dandenong for your vehicle.